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iOS 9.3 Beta : Preview ​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​ [출처] https://curved.de​ 2016. 3. 21.
iPad Air 3: Das kleine iPad Pro iPad Air 3: Das kleine iPad Pro ​​ Im Herbst hielt sich Apple schon einmal nicht an den typischen Rhythmus. Es gab keinen Nachfolger für das iPad Air 2, sondern nur das iPad Pro. Deswegen wird es jetzt Zeit für das iPad Air 3, dass unter anderem den Apple Pencil unterstützen soll und den neuesten Gerüchten zufolge gar nicht diesen Namen tragen, sondern iPad Pro 9,7 heißen soll und über ein namen.. 2016. 3. 21.
iPhone 7 Rendered With Edge to Edge Design, 6.2 mm Thick Chassis ​​​​​​​​​​ The iPhone 7 gets a new design today, even though we’re theoretically one year away from its debut. The handset is envisioned as an edge to edge piece of work, with a “maximal” display at the front, with an edge to edge approach. iPhone 7 concept august 2015 1 The creation of smartphonealerts.com, this device also introduces Force Touch technology in the mix. This gives you extra mean.. 2016. 3. 21.
Apple II Library: The 4am Collection ​​​Apple II Library: The 4am Collection DESCRIPTION A collection of historical software for Apple II computers from the 1980s and early 1990s. Each item was originally copy protected (i.e. the original floppy disk could not be copied to another floppy disk), but the copy protection has been removed and documented. Most items also include a "work disk" comprising the intermediate files created du.. 2016. 3. 21.