The Ultimate Source List Thread -
| Here all Sources available Sources i could found on the net for Cydia & Installer |
If you have more working Sources Post them here please
- I made this Thread because the old one is not updated anymore | -
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
|| Sources are case sensitive !! ||
- when you cant add one try to add/remove the ''/'' in the end or add/remove the ''www'' in front -
|| Cydia [v. 1.0.2545-31 +] ||
Package Sources [A-Z]
+ iPhone Video Recorder Buy the full version here to get full access to iPhone Video Recorder
Language Support Packages [A-Z]
- most of them are also available in Cydia under: ''More Package Sources'' -
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
|| Know'n Installer Bug !! ||
-| If somenthing doesn't install, erase the repo and add it again, it's an Installer bug |-
|| Installer [v. 4.0b9 +] ||
Package Sources [A-Z]
- Some of them come with the Community Sources -
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
|| Personal Repo Extra ||
- How to create your own Repo -
- Create your own Installer 4.0 Repo:
Step-By-Step Guide
by sayam
- Create your own Cydia 2 Repo:
Saurik's Tutorial
Premade Cydia Repo | Easier Use
Step-By-Step Guide
by itouchr
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
-| If a repo is down or broken please PM me or post |-
- I'll update the liste every week when i get new Sources -
- Please Note: I do not check any of the content of these sources -
| I have no idea what is in them and do not necessarily approve of their content |
- Big thanks to the User mason77 for this: -
If you want all the Sources to download, use this link here:
Extract & Copy all the Sources to: '' etc/apt/sources.list.d ''
You will get all the English Sources - No Language Sources!!
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Sorry that i made a new Thread - but
you didn't update the old one since ages

credits to you 4 your old Source-List
Credits also to the User studangerous who helps me keeping this thing updated!!
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3|\|_|0¥ 4|\|Ð |-|4pp¥ 4ÐÐ1|\|9 !!
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| Here all Sources available Sources i could found on the net for Cydia & Installer |
If you have more working Sources Post them here please
- I made this Thread because the old one is not updated anymore | -
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
|| Sources are case sensitive !! ||
- when you cant add one try to add/remove the ''/'' in the end or add/remove the ''www'' in front -
|| Cydia [v. 1.0.2545-31 +] ||
Package Sources [A-Z]
- BigBoss: http://apt.bigboss.us.com/repofiles/cydia/ [Already Added | Community Source]
- [Themes, Applications, some Ringtones & much more] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Code Genocide: http://repo.codegenocide.com/cydia/ [Please add Manual]
- [Adult Applications] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Cake-Mapleidea: http://cake.mapleidea.com/cydia/ [Please add Manual]
- [...] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Darvens Repository: http://apt.guardiansofchaos.com/ [Please add Manual]
- [Themes only] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Hack&Dev: http://iphone.hackndev.org/apt/ [Add through Cydia --> More Package Sources]
- [iCommander, some fixes] [Status: ACTIVE] - - HackmyiPhone: http://hackmyiphone.info/cydia/ [Please add Manual]
- [no description available] [Status: ????]] - - Hackthatifone: http://hackthatifone.com/htif/apt/ [Add through Cydia --> More Package Sources]
- [...] [Status: ????]] - - iAcces: http://iaccess.com/apt/ [Add through Cydia --> More Package Sources]
- [iAcces (mostly chinese)] [Status: ACTIVE] - - iClarified: http://cydia.iclarified.com/ [Add through Cydia --> More Package Sources]
- [Tweaks, Volume Boost, iLog, Pysl] [Status: ACTIVE] - - iFoneTec: http://app.ifonetec.com/cydia/ [Add through Cydia --> More Package Sources]
- [Cylay (Security for youriPhone ) & MiVTones (Video Ringtones) only] [Status: ACTIVE] - - iHalo-Repo: http://repo.halo4iphone.com/ [Please add Manual]
- [iHalo] [Status: ACTIVE] - - iMobileCinema: http://d.imobilecinema.com/ [Add through Cydia --> More Package Sources]
- [iMobileCinema plugin and Add-Ons] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Intelliborn: http://intelliborn.com/cydia/ [Please add Manual]
- [IntelliScreen] [Status: ACTIVE] - - iPhoneAll: http://mc2.iphoneall.org/ [Please add Manual]
- [Tweaks, (mostly Indonesia)] [Status: ACTIVE] - - iPhone.org.hk: http://www.iphone.org.hk/apt/ [Please add Manual]
- [some Themes, several Tweaks] [Status: ACTIVE] - - iPhone Stuff: http://iphonestuff.ru/ [Please add Manual]
- [...] [Status: ACTIVE] - - iPhone Video Recorder: http://www.iphonevideorecorder.com/ [Please add Manual]
- [iPhone Video Recorder 3G (free Version)] [Status: ACTIVE] - - iSpazio: http://cydia.ispazio.net/ [Already Added | Community Source]
- [Themes, Applications, Utilities] [Status: ACTIVE] - - ModMyi: http://apt.modmyi.com [Already Added | Community Source]
- [Themes, Applications, Fixes, Tweaks] [Status: ACTIVE] - - MacCiti: http://macciti.com/cydia/ [Add through Cydia --> Sections --> Sources]
- [...] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Niklas Schroder: http://apt.paperclipsandscrambledeggs.com/ [Add through Cydia --> Sections --> Sources]
- [some Themes] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Namedfork: http://apt.namedfork.net/iphone/ [Please add Manual]
- [Mini vMac, Rogue] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Ranbee: http:/ranbee.com/repo/ [Add through Cydia --> More Package Sources]
- [...] [Status: ACTIVE] - - RichCreations: http://www.richcreations.com/iphone/apt/ [Add through Cydia --> More Package Sources]
- [Data Files for UNIX Fortune] [Status: ACTIVE] - - RupertGee iCydia: http://redwolfberry.com/rupertgee/cydia/
[Add through Cydia --> More Package Sources]
- [Themes] [Status: ACTIVE] - - SaladSoft: http://nickplee.com/cydiasource/ [Add through Cydia --> More Package Sources]
- [Piano Chord Dictionaries] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Sleepers.net http://repo.sleepers.net/cydia/
[Please add Manual]
- [Mostly themes, occasional application] [Status: ACTIVE] - - STE Packaging: http://repo.smxy.org/cydia/apt/ [Already Added | Community Source]
- [eBooks, many Themes, many Apps, some Dictionarys, Utilities & much more] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Steffwiz Repo: http://steffwiz.webs.com/iphone/repo/ [Add through Cydia --> More Package Sources]
- [many Themes, many Blanks] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Telesphoreo Tangelo: http://apt.saurik.com/ [Already Added | Community Source]
- [Development Tools, Tweaks, Winterboard, Utilities, Five Icon Dock, etc..] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Touch-Mania: http://cydia.touch-mania.com/ [Please add Manual]
- [...] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Urban Fanatics: http://urbanfanatics.com/cydia/ [Add through Cydia --> More Package Sources]
- [ScummVM only] [Status: ACTIVE] - - WeiPhone: http://app.weiphone.com/cydia/ [Please add Manual]
-[Chinese] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Zanekills' Source: http://apt.zanekills.com/ [Please add Manual]
- [some Themes only] [Status: ACTIVE] - - ZodTTD: http://www.zodttd.com/repo/cydia/ [Already Added | Community Source]
- [Emulators] [Status: ACTIVE] - - Zuijlen: http://apt.zuijlen.eu/ [Please add Manual]
- [...] [Status: ACTIVE] -
+ iPhone Video Recorder Buy the full version here to get full access to iPhone Video Recorder
Language Support Packages [A-Z]
- most of them are also available in Cydia under: ''More Package Sources'' -
- [Arabic] iPhone Islam: http://apps.iphoneislam.com/
- [Bulgarian] iPhone-Patch: http://mspasov.com/
- [Belgian] Hackers.nl: http://apt.hackers.nl/
- [Brazilian] iPhoneMod: http://cydia.iphonemod.com.br/
- [Czech Republic] CZ&SK: http://csid.tym.cs/repo/
- [Catalan] iPhoneCat Team: http://apple.bloks.cat/repo/
- [Chinese] iPhone Freecoder: http://iphone.freecoder.org/apt/
- [Dutch] iFoneguide: http://cydia.ifoneguide.nl/
- [Estonian] Comcute: http://gecko.pri.ee/cydia/
- [French] SOSiPhone: http://cy.sosiphone.com/
- [German] iPhone-Notes.de: http://apt.iphone-storage.de/
- [Hebrew] iPhonehe.com: http://iphonehe.com/iphone
- [Norway] iFon Norway: http://c.ifon1.no/
- [Polish] Marcin Laber: http://cydia.i-apps.pl/
- [Russian] Nick S Denon: http://weho.ru/iphone/
- [Scandinavian] iPhulein: http://ipuhelin.com/cydia/
- [Turkish] IngiliZanahtari: http://apt.ingilizanahtari.com/
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
|| Know'n Installer Bug !! ||
-| If somenthing doesn't install, erase the repo and add it again, it's an Installer bug |-
|| Installer [v. 4.0b9 +] ||
Package Sources [A-Z]
- Some of them come with the Community Sources -
- A27 Dev Team: http://a27dev.com/installer/repo
- Andy Dam: http://repo.gafoogle.com/
- BigBoss: http://apptapp.thebigboss.org/repofiles/installer4/
- Elit3ge: http://elit3ge.info/repo/
- Gpda: http://gpda.ru/r
- Hackint0sh: http://hackint0sh.org/repo/
- iClarified: http://installer.iClarified.com
- iModZone: i.iModZone.net
- iSpazio: http://repo.neolinus.org/ispazio/
- iPhone Handheld: http://iphone.handheld.com.vn/installer/
- iFon 2.0: http://installer.ifon.no
- iPhone Video Recorder: http://www.iphonevideorecorder.com/installer
- Modmyifone: http://modmyi.com/repo
- M2: http://m2.iphoneall.org
- Navco: http://www.navco786.com/repo
- Nick'sRepo: http://nicksrepo.890m.com/nicksrepo/
- Porno: http://hiphonerepo.com/repo
- RiP Dev: http://i.ripdev.com
- Ste: http://repo.smxy.org/installer4/
- Sendowski: http://sendowski.de/iphone/
- Str10Coupe: http://i.srt10coupe.de/
- SOSiPhone: http://i.sosiphone.com
- TY'siPhoneHelp: http://myrepospace.com/repo/tysiphonehelp
- Touch-Mania: http://touch-mania.com/repo4/
- Wildcat: http://iphone.handheld.com.vn/installer
- ZodTTD: http://zodttd.com/repo
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
|| Personal Repo Extra ||
- How to create your own Repo -
- Create your own Installer 4.0 Repo:
Step-By-Step Guide
by sayam
- Create your own Cydia 2 Repo:
Saurik's Tutorial
Premade Cydia Repo | Easier Use
Step-By-Step Guide
by itouchr
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
-| If a repo is down or broken please PM me or post |-
- I'll update the liste every week when i get new Sources -
- Please Note: I do not check any of the content of these sources -
| I have no idea what is in them and do not necessarily approve of their content |
- Big thanks to the User mason77 for this: -
If you want all the Sources to download, use this link here:
Extract & Copy all the Sources to: '' etc/apt/sources.list.d ''
You will get all the English Sources - No Language Sources!!
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Sorry that i made a new Thread - but
you didn't update the old one since ages

credits to you 4 your old Source-List
Credits also to the User studangerous who helps me keeping this thing updated!!
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
3|\|_|0¥ 4|\|Ð |-|4pp¥ 4ÐÐ1|\|9 !!
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'(前)오래된자료 > IT정보(뉴스)' 카테고리의 다른 글
정보 l 득템 : 중고장터 검색 (free) (0) | 2010.08.03 |
[체험단모집] 삼성캠코더 HMX-M20 체험단 제품정보 (0) | 2010.08.02 |
무료 | iStart(free) (0) | 2010.07.26 |
메신저 | FaceBook(free) (0) | 2010.07.26 |
메신저 | PEN PALS(가격1.99) (0) | 2010.07.26 |